Image for #1247

Poem #1247

To pile like Thunder to it’s close
Then crumble grand away
While Everything created hid
This – would be – Poetry –

Or Love – the two coeval come –
We both and neither prove –
Experience either and consume –
For None see God and live –

This poem is about the consuming power of love that inspires an artist or poet to create. It is this other dimension that gives an artist or poet the ability to create another world. Mocking Gods ability to create life. But nobody can prove where love and inspiration come from, “We both and neither prove –“.   All we know is when we are feeling them it is all consuming “Experience either and consume –“.   During the numinous (arousing spiritual or religious emotion) climax, the consumption swallows you whole, “While Everything created hid”, and crumbles “grand away”.

And with that grandiose aw-inspiring spiritual experience comes pure trembling terror.  Now that you have lived in the spirit world and experienced a love so divine, you must sacrifice your earthly world with a sickness that makes you tremble, run, and scream so loud it piles “like Thunder to it’s close”. Your physical body will meet the wrath of God for living in the spirit world as a mortal. “For None see God and live”. But you are only hiding, “While Everything created hid” you experienced an all consuming love for poetry and art, “the two coeval come –“, and love and life prevail.

The figure in the middle is inspired by a figure in Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment”.  The images around the figure are from Luca  Signorelli’s, “The Damned”, and “The Temptation of Jesus”.

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