Emily Dickinson poem #7

  • Poem  # 7 Emily Dickinson

My figures fail to tell me 
How far the Village lies-
Whose peasants are the Angels-
Whose Cantons dot the skies-
My classics veil their faces -
My faith that Dark adores-
Which from its solemn abbeys such resurrection pours

 My Thoughts
       Emily obviously loved to read and educate herself, so to me her "classics" and "figures" are the books and characters in her novels that she studies.  Her faith is in herself and her poetry which she works on in the dark.  The dark adhores her presence working on her poetry.  "Which from its solemn abbeys" is the day to day activities (dishes, laundry, etc.).  But then as she walks into her room where she told her sister "This is where freedom is"  she is resurrected, alive and free again in poetry.

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